Campaign Website Design Examples
Here are actual client template-based and custom campaign website designs by Online Candidate.
We make it easy! See our Website Packages and Political Marketing Services.

State Political Campaigns
These are actual political campaign website designs for political candidates, including State Assembly, State Senate, State Attorney and State Representative campaigns.

Judicial Websites
These are actual designs of campaign websites for judges by Online Candidate. These examples include district court, county court, superior court judge, magisterial, and justice of the peace candidates. Learn more about starting a judicial campaign and find a slogan your judicial election.

Sheriff Websites
These are actual designs of campaign websites for sheriff by Online Candidate. These examples include county sheriff, city sheriff, county jailer and chief of police election candidates. Learn more about starting a sheriff campaign and sheriff slogan ideas.

Board of Education Websites

Political Logo Designs
These are custom political logos created for our clients. Logo design is included with our Custom Website Design Packages. We provide a high-resolution versions for your print material - for free! We also sell political logo templates in our Download Store. Learn more about political logo design for judicial, sheriff and school board campaigns.

City Council Websites
These are actual Online Candidate client design examples for city council campaign websites, county and town council candidates. Are you planning to start a run for city council?

Template Design Websites
These are websites based on our Online Candidate Lite and Monthly Website Packages. Lite designs are based on a selected color scheme and header graphic. Some clients upload their own custom headers.

Daley Professional Web Solutions
Non-political website designs created by Daley Professional Web Solutions.

Alderman Websites
These are actual client Alderman campaign website designs for inspiration.

Assessor Websites
These are actual Online Candidate campaign website designs for county assessor candidates.

Ballot Measure Websites
These are actual Online Candidate campaign website designs for local and state ballot measures. We work with grassroots organization of all kinds.

Clerk Websites
These are actual Online Candidate campaign website designs for county, town clerk and circuit clerk candidates. Get in touch today to see how we can help your campaign.

Commissioner Websites
These are commissioner campaign website client designs by Online Candidate. Get in touch today to see how we can help your campaign.

County Board Websites
These are actual Online Candidate campaign website designs for county legislature candidates. Get in touch today to see how we can help your campaign.

County Treasurer Websites
These are actual Online Candidate campaign website design examples for County Treasurer candidates. Get in touch today to see how we can help your campaign.

District Attorney Websites
These are actual Online Candidate campaign website designs for District Attorney candidates.

Governor Campaign Websites
These are actual Online Candidate political campaign website designs for state governor candidates.

Mayor Websites
These are actual Online Candidate campaign website designs for mayor political candidates. Learn about running for mayor.

Misc. Campaign Websites
These are designs for a variety of board and commission elections.

Non-US Websites
These are actual Online Candidate website designs for non-US political campaigns. These include sites from Europe, Australia and Africa.

Supervisor Websites
These are actual Online Candidate campaign website designs for County Supervisor political candidates.

Town Supervisor Websites
These are actual Online Candidate campaign website designs for town supervisor candidates. Get in touch today to see how we can help your campaign.

United States Congressional Websites
These are actual Online Candidate campaign website design examples for United States congressional candidates.

United States Senate Websites
These are actual Online Candidate campaign website designs for United States Senate candidates.